Aug. 9, 2021
Sealaska Heritage Institute (SHI) will hold a traditional ceremony in Juneau this week to destroy certain retail items in accordance with Tlingit law and cultural protocol.
The ceremony is scheduled at 2 pm, Friday, Aug. 13, tentatively in front of Sealaska Heritage Institute’s Walter Soboleff Building at 105 S. Seward St., in Juneau. A portion of Seward Street in front of the building will be closed to through traffic during the ceremony.
However, if the forecast of torrential rain prevails, the ceremony will be held at Sandy Beach. A final decision on venue will be made on Wednesday.
Clan spokespersons are invited to attend. The event is also open to the community. The ceremony will be live streamed on SHI’s YouTube channel.
Sealaska is a private nonprofit founded in 1980 to perpetuate and enhance Tlingit, Haida and Tsimshian cultures of Southeast Alaska. Its goal is to promote cultural diversity and cross-cultural understanding through public services and events. Sealaska also conducts social scientific and public policy research that promotes Alaska Native arts, cultures, history and education statewide. Sealaska is governed by a Board of Trustees and guided by a Council of Traditional Scholars, a Native Artist Committee, and a Southeast Regional Language Committee.
CONTACT: Kathy Dye, SHI Media and Publications Deputy Director, kathy.dye@sealaska.com, 907.321.4636; Jacob Adams, SHI’s Attorney, jra@dumkelaw.com